
Ancient Middle-Eastern

Ancient Middle-Eastern This week I composed a short piece with a Middle-Eastern flavor. It was intended to be an introduction to a potential film project. The film story is set in the Middle East during […]

In the Name of God

In the Name of God I have been working with two wonderful filmmakers at the London-based  G22 Studios; Stephen Noorshargh and Sulymaan Hameed. They filmed a 22-minute, beautiful tale of morality titled “In the Name of […]

Evocative Themes

Evocative Themes I started scoring a documentary film “Listen to Britain”, in collaboration with Stephen Noorshargh of G22 Studios. This will be a feature-length film about the experiences of immigrants to Great Britain. We have […]

Lost in Wonder

Lost in Wonder I finished a first draft of a score for a documentary film “Listen to Britain”, in collaboration with Stephen Noorshargh of G22 Studios. This will be a feature-length film about the experiences […]

Distant World

Distant World In preparation for composing music for a video game about a visit to another planet, I have composed this song. It features two guitars and two women singing a song in some unknown […]

Exotic Music for a Video

Exotic Music for a Video  I’ve been contributing music to a game development team; we are producing a visual novel. It’s still a way off, but it is a lot of fun putting together all […]